Antique Radio Parts & Repairs

The following sources provide parts, information, and repair services for getting your antique radio, TV, or phono back on the road. Most commonly-needed parts, such as tubes and capacitors, are still cheap and plentiful. If you know about a choice radio or TV website that should be added to this list, send me an email.

Consult our Radio Websites page for radio/TV history, museums, collections, magazines, and old-time radio programming.

Antique Electronic Supply
Replacement tubes and many other radio parts, schematic diagrams, vintage radio kits, restoration and refinishing supplies, books and reference materials.

ABC Vacuum Tubes
Tubes for sale.

Antique Car Radio
Restoration and retrofitting of old car radios.

Antique Radio Knobs
Reproduction knobs and other plastic parts.

Info about vintage tape recorders, phonos, and hi-fi.

Beitman's Schematics 1926-1969
Thousands of USA radio schematics, courtesy of Dave's Homemade Radios.

Beta-Tek Antique Radio Service
Antique radio restoration. Ray Bintliff, 2 Powder Horn Lane, Acton, MA 01720. 978-263-7435.

Boatanchor Manual Archives
Thousands of schematics for communications radios and test equpment.

Broadcasting from the home
Plans for building AM transmitters.

Canadian Vintage Radio Society
Schematics for Canadian radios.

Constantine's Wood Center
Supplies and products for refinishing wooden cabinets.

Digi-Key Corp.
General electronics supplier. Thousands of items.

Duncan Amps Tube Database
Online reference data for hundreds of tubes.

For Your Listening Pleasure
Restoration services, parts, and schematics for radios and phonos.

Golden Radio Repair
Repair and restoration of radios from the 1920s-1970s, based in PA.

Frank's Electron Tube Data
Reference data for thousands of tubes.

Hayseed Hamfest
Can electrolytic capacitors, boatanchor recapping kits.

Capacitors, resistors, and schematics for US and Canadian radios and TVs.

Merry Tunes Antique Radio
Parts & supplies for antique radios, plus restoration services.

Mouser Electronics
General electronics supplier. Thousands of items. No minimum order.

Moyer Electronics
Transformers and many other parts for vintage radio/TV/phono.

Norwegian Historical Radio Society
Schematics for European radios, such as Telefunken, Philips, Grundig, Nordmende, etc.

Nostalgia Air
Thousands of free schematics, tube reference, other technical information.

Old Radio Parts
Restoration parts & supplies, including controls, knobs, and repro dials.
Philco technical articles, schematics, gallery, more.

Philco Repair Bench
Comprehensive repair information for Philco radios.

Play Things of Past
Radio parts and literature. Radios for sale, too.

Repair supplies, tools, reproduction dial scales & decals, much more.

Radiotechniek en restauratie
Schematics and information for Netherlands radios.

Renovated Radios
Reproduction knobs, other plastic and rubber parts, service literature, more.

Reproduction radio back covers.

General electronics supplier (formerly Allied). Thousands of items.

Solidesign decals
Custom decals for radio/TV cabinets and other items.

Surplus Sales of Nebraska
Surplus electronic parts of all sorts.

Vintage Manuals
Manuals and schematics for communications radios and test equipment.

Vintage Radio Repair and Restoration
UK radios, schematics; great technical information.

Weber Speakers
"Copper Cap" rectifier tube replacements; parts & service for amps, speakers.

West-Tech Services
Restoration of phonographs and wire recorders.

Zenith Oracle
Identify a Zenith radio by model, serial, or chassis number.

This page last updated on April 18, 2022.

©1995-2025 Philip I. Nelson, all rights reserved